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Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad has been a forerunner in the field of education


blankWe, at Jaipuria firmly believe that there’s always something that’s yet to be explored. We ensure that our learners become inquisitive enough to continue exploring in their own amazing ways and at their own pace.

Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad has been a forerunner in the field of education for over a hundred years. We have a far-reaching vision and wide thoughts to carry forward its beliefs and secular thoughts for the progress of the individuals associated with it. The school curriculum has been designed to provide students an exposure to a wide array of cultures and activities which broadens their minds and makes them rise beyond horizon. Our students reach for the stars and showcase their enlightened personalities once they step ahead of their school life. They become confident citizens who contribute to this progressive world. They emerge to be the ones who can take the whole world in their stride by following ethics and integrities they are instilled with.

They carry a kind of universal respect for all religions without holding any discrimination regarding caste, color or creed. They become strong enough to think independently, dream and face challenges that come their way. In keeping with the changes existing in the world, the international aspect of school life is accentuated.

The world has become one today and we all our inter-linked with each other with a tinge of high-tech boon. Students are made a part of various international activities/ projects via technological aids that are easily accessible by them. Today, students get an enormous platform to think globally whether he/she is made to perform individually or in team.

As an institution, our foremost goal is to make a conscious effort to link groups of students to each other across the world and hence trigger the understanding of global issues to sensitize them towards the making of one peaceful world to live in.

We hope to construct such attitude in the foundation years of school life which can further develop into a passion to augment universal peace and understanding, thus making the world a more considerate place for all.

The two consecutive sessions have indeed been full of turbulences and uncertainties. But, It provided the individuals with scope to think over how ‘something’ better could be done in everything that has been thought of. There came the role of technology which not only changed the whole scenario but also aided in rewarding many aspirations. We, at Jaipuria also took this transition in our stride and connected ourselves with the world “ALL VIRTUALLY’. We could achieve even beyond our plans. We hosted a number of Virtual programmes via Skype Sessions, VEPs with various countries from around the World, FlipGrid Activities, Canva and Padlet, to name a few.

We, now intend to work on more exhaustive projects in future that can involve our pupils even more and let them experience varied cultures and the aspects associated with them.