Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Ghaziabad, celebrated its Annual Sports Day 2024, “Phoenix”, in a grand spectacle of athleticism and spirit. The event, attended by an enthusiastic crowd of parents, featured inspiring speeches from the Guest of Honour, Mr. Yash Jaipuria, Member, Seth Anandram Jaipuria Educational Society, and the school’s Director Principal, Ms. Shalini Nambiar.
The audience was captivated by the display of young Jaipurians’ talents in athletics, including races, parades, marches, relay races, hurdle races, drills, gymnastics, yoga, and taekwondo.
Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Ghaziabad, celebrated its Annual Sports Day 2024, “Phoenix”, in a grand spectacle of athleticism and spirit. The event, attended by an enthusiastic crowd of parents, featured inspiring speeches from the Guest of Honour, Mr. Yash Jaipuria, Member, Seth Anandram Jaipuria Educational Society, and the school’s Director Principal, Ms. Shalini Nambiar.
The day concluded with Mr. Yash Jaipuria presenting awards to the victors and outstanding sportspersons, celebrating their achievements and the enduring spirit of sportsmanship among the students.